What is Ionized Water? Definition from Fujiiryoki


Ionized water is a commercially available form of alkaline water (water with a high pH value), which is believed to offer several health benefits, such as improved bone health, slowing down the aging process, improved gastrointestinal health, and decreased risk of cancer and heart disease. However, there is very little research to support these claims or if the benefits are maintained in the long run.

The pH is a measurement of the acid-base balance of water on a scale of 0 to 14. The normal pH of natural water ranges between six and a half to eight and a half and is controlled by the carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-carbonate equilibrium system. An increase in the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide reduces the pH of water, creating acidic water. However, a decreased amount of carbon dioxide increases the pH of water, generating alkaline water.

There are various methods identified to increase the alkaline properties of water by using special filters, faucet attachments, and additives that raise the pH levels, making normal tap water go from neutral pH to alkaline.

Source Link [alkaline Ionized water]


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