Is Alkaline Water A Trend Or A Necessity?


Alkaline water contains a pH of 8 to 8.5. The health benefits, rising social media influencers, and recurrent marketing of alkaline water machines create an impression in an individual’s mind that alkaline water has much significance in our routine. This moves individuals to adopt alkaline water. The supporters of it claim that it has super hydration compared to regular water. Hence it emerges as a trend. With this, a basic question should pop into our mind whether it is a trend or a genuine necessity. This article is meant to answer this question.

Scientific Claims Of Alkaline Water

Our body has a complex system to regulate its internal pH levels, specifically in the blood where its pH levels fall around 7.4. Claims by other people about alkaline water may be appealing, but scientific research is still required to ensure these claims. Scientific evidence shows limited health benefits. Here are:

  1. It Enhances Hydration-

It provides better hydration than regular water due to clustered molecules that are easy to absorb for bodily cells. Some research reveals that it keeps you hydrated after vigorous exercise, yet it is not accepted universally.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition reveals that athletes have improved performance who drink plenty of alkaline water compared to those who drink regular tap water. Still, more scientific study is needed to support these findings.

  1. Alkaline Water Neutralise Stomach Acid-

An unhealthy lifestyle may cause acidity. Alkaline water may neutralize the excess acid in the stomach. The Annals Of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology study show that it deactivates the pepsin enzyme responsible for causing acidity. This study requires more research to understand its applicability.

  1. Supports Bone Health-

Alkaline water contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, and carbonates. It is believed that alkaline water prevents calcium loss in bones, which improves its strength. ‘The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research’ discussed that an alkaline diet may give fruitful results for bone health but is not focused on alkaline water. Therefore, a definite conclusion is lacking.

Revealing The Trend Of Alkaline Ionized Water

Strategic marketing targets health-conscious individuals, emphasizing potential health benefits like enhanced hydration and appealing to those seeking natural wellness. Therefore, the trend of alkaline ionized water has surged. Every company employs attractive packaging and through celebrity endorsement develops an impression in consumer’s minds that there is no better alternative other than alkaline water. This matches consumer behavior and leads to investment in health products that promise holistic wellness. Moreover, fitness communities like athletes or gymnasts prioritize alkaline water for optimal hydration which appeals to individuals to move towards it. Social media influencers further popularize its use, normalizing it within healthy lifestyles. Ultimately, the popularity of alkaline water reflects a broader movement towards health and wellness, driven by effective marketing and a desire for improved hydration, even as the evidence supporting its unique benefits remains limited.

Showing The Necessity Of Alkaline Water

The essentiality of alkaline water can be evaluated through hydration and holistic health. Appropriate hydration regulates body temperature, lubricates the joints, and absorbs nutrients efficiently. The importance of regular water should be known over alkaline water. It keeps the body hydrated. Moreover, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables naturally support pH levels where alkaline water consumption is not required. Additionally, herbal tea and coconut water give the same results as alkaline water. Hydration can be maintained by adopting a healthy and balanced diet including fluid intake. If alkaline water is used just for hydration, it may not be a necessity.


Alkaline water has become popular because of various health benefits but its practicality is not backed by research. For most individuals, proper hydration can be effectively achieved with regular water. Although alkaline water may offer some benefits, such as enhanced hydration for certain individuals, the scientific evidence is limited. Furthermore, a balanced diet helps maintain the body’s pH balance. While alkaline water can be a choice for some, it is not necessary. Through fluid sources and a balanced diet, you can maintain hydration.

Apart from all these, Fujiiryoki’s Japanese alkaline water machine can be a great choice if you want to install a water alkalizer machine at home.

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